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Yoga with MeliRay

Energy healing, love, and flow with MeliRay as your guide.

  • 20 US dollars
  • Instrumental Yoga

Service Description

​Yoga is the connection of breath, body, and movement. Feeling and being grateful for the body that your soul was given at this moment while focusing on the breath and moving is the key to MeliRay’s guided yoga classes. MeliRay will guide you through different pranayamas (Breathing exercises),  a yoga flow, and a guided meditation. The Pranayama will help expand the lungs and promote airflow throughout the body. The movement will be about aligning our postures, stretching in a way that feels good, and flowing from one posture to the next. The guided meditation will help with clearing out the mind and focusing on the present. "My guided classes are fit for any level of Yogi, for it is your body that has to be listened to. We will use props and straps for support and better posture. I will make sure that your body feels safe and good both during and after class, and help you find the yoga that is meant for you. You do not need to be able to touch your toes to engage in Yoga, you need only to show up and be present in the now. Being grateful and loving the body that you have, will help you love and cherish the life you are given in this moment. We may not be able to control the ever-changing world around us but we can control our breath, bodies and mind. In my classes we work on slowing down, showing love to the body by moving in a way that feels good for each individual soul, and learning to control the Mind by letting go and being in the Now.  As my fellow Yogi Erica says, 'Yoga is a work in-not a work out.'" -MeliRay 

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • Instrumental Yoga, next to leasing center, Washington Street, Boston, MA, USA


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